Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Austin Fashion Association-Back to School on KVUE

The Austin Fashion Association's Connie Bakonyi and her daughter Lindsey featured on KVUE for Back-to-School on a budget, a segment secured by Pickie Pie.  Click here to watch.

Betsey, Brunch and Creme' Brulee'!

Pickie Pie Productions is producing and promoting a Fashion Brunch along with our client Fleming's at their Domain location.  The event features various retailers in the Domain which we've secured and benefits Dress for Success.
In addition, we've secured spots and mentions in various media outlets including a segment on KEYE's We are Austin Live featuring Chef Boyer Derise making creme' brulee' and three adorable models from Betsey Johnson Click here for link.

Let's Do Lunch-Back to School on KEYE

Capitalizing on the time of year, we booked our client Kathryn Dagar-Albarado of Dagar's Catering on KEYE for some healthy and fun back-to-school lunch tips.  Click here to watch.