Leveraging Social Media in Food Marketing
by Karlene Lukovitz,
Jun 29, 2012, 1:32 PM
“Consumers used
to rely on mom and family traditions for meal planning, but now search
online for what to cook, without ever tasting or
smelling,” said Hartman Group president and COO Laurie Demeritt.
In addition, nearly a third of Americans overall -- and 47% of Millennials -- use social networking sites
while eating at home.
So how can food makers and retailers best leverage this social media power?
to the researchers, they need to understand that
consumers’ social media behavior falls along an engagement continuum,
and create tailored communication strategies relevant to each type of
three users:
* "Spectators”
use social media as an extension of their network of friends, family and
peers. They use social media for product reviews, recipes and good
* “Dreamers” curate
and push food-related content through social networks. They aspire to
have larger followings and more influence than they currently do.
* “Doers” are the most engaged.
They are the core of food and social media, creating content that inspires followers.
are many possible brand opportunities for each type of consumer. “For
example, a
brand may entice Dreamers by incorporating their recipes on its site, or
appeal to a Spectator by offering incentives in exchange for a video
review,” pointed out Steve Bryant, president of
Publicis Consultants.
The study, “Clicks &
Cravings: The Impact of Social Technology on Food Culture,” was
conducted in October and November 2011. Qualitative
ethnographies were fielded in two major U.S. markets, and more than
1,600 U.S. adults participated in an online survey.