Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Making the Pitch, Getting Results

Representing a business that does not have a brick-and-mortar store front or restaurant can be a tricky endeavor as there is no where to entertain media or bring patrons to show off goods and services.  Such is the case with our client Dagar's Catering.  While they have a huge, impressive facility and kitchen in North Austin that's been operating for decades, they don't have a place to bring media to try out the food or hold events as easily as a restaurant would.  So, we have to look at different ways to get them press and attention.

KEYE's Hunter Ellis and Kathryn Dagar-Albarado
preparing for  We Are Austin Live
Food Safety Kit
When Kathryn Dagar-Albarado of Dagar's Catering and DNA Events recently wrote a post on the DNA Events blog about food safety in summer and the idea of putting together a food safety kit, Pickie Pie, from our years as a media insider, recognized an opportunity. We took her post, made a few adjustments to make it media friendly, pitched it to local press on a Monday morning and waited for them to bite.

Hunter Ellis and Kathryn Dagar-Albarado 

As a result, KEYE-TV called us Tuesday morning bright and early and asked to book our client on their 4:00 p.m. live program called We Are Austin Live. We hopped to it and got our client in gear and ready for broadcast and set up.
Setting Up for We Are Austin Live
Much of the segments on We Are Austin Live are pay-for-play, meaning many businesses pay to be featured in a significant portion of the program.  However, some content is editorially based. Landing an editorially-based segment that was not paid for is a big get for our client, who ended up with not one, but two live segments during the broadcast.
Kit on TV
Viewers of a broadcast and/or readers of a publication inherently see editorially-based content as having more value than a paid advertisement as anyone with money can purchase an ad.  To get featured in editorial content, a business has to have news value and merit in the eyes of a journalist.  At Pickie Pie, we see the world with a journalist's eye and help our clients frame their message with the right kind of media in mind.

Here are links to the segments we garnered for Dagar's Catering on KEYE:
Segment One:
Segment Two:

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